Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Russian Roulette, and other hobbies"

I know that I more than covered this last night, but I wanted to add extra clarity to the issue, just, if for nobody else, but me.

Not everyone knows what "Russian Roulette"' is, so I'll tell you. I don't have a clue how, or where, or even when it started, but back in the stone ages (and this "game" was played during the war in Vietnam, by many, as was illustrated in the movie, The Deer Hunter), you take a revolver..this was before automatics, put one bullet in the cylinder, close it, spin it, and take turns putting it to your temples and pulling the trigger. If you "caught the bullet", well, you lost. There were/are too many bets and reasons for playing this intense game to list here, but I bring IT up to bring the following up:
Consider, if you will, that your vehicle is a gun. YOU are the first bullet that is placed in there. Now let's say that under optimal conditions, (you being completely alert and sound, etc) that you're a "blank", okay?
IF, however, you're, say, drunk or over-tired, angry, crying..just NOT optimal, you are now... real bullet number one. 

Now, we won't add the radio/CD just yet, but it IS keeping you from being optimized, okay?
Okay, let's add a passenger. IF they are a good driver, and so are you, you can chat in a non-tense way and still be considered optimal for the purposes of this exercise, alright? BUT, if you are arguing, smoking a joint/drinking together, anything that is "engaging"...bullet number two.

Now let's add a cell phone. JUST talking/texting/tweeting at a light or train, or pulled over, blank. Talking, etc, especially with a lot of emotion or intensity...bullet number three.
Okay, now let's drop in a "meal on the run" to that. IF you're stopped, again, say as a train goes by, as is often the case RIGHT after I pull out of "Jack in the Box", which is right next to a crossing, and I WILL eat while waiting..that's a blank, as is getting it all ready before proceeding to drive. 
Trying to "knee drive" and eat...bullet number four.

If we add to this, say, the kids in the back seat, your GPS talking to you, a loaded-up backseat of friends, family, or a pet bouncing around, or ON YOUR LAP? while driving...bullet number five.

SO, what we have here is Reverse Russian Roulette, yeah? I know you think you're a perfect multi-tasker, but not driving, period. Maybe at home, or work, but not hurling down the road at speeds of anywhere from 20 to 80 mph, steering thousands of pounds of JUST controllable metal, under the BEST of circumstances...and you have an almost completely loaded gun, continually pulling the trigger while doing this. How long do you realistically think you can do that without something bad happening? Be honest, at least with yourself.

I wish that part of the driving test involved a simulator where you're doing all, or even just a couple, of these things, and going through a pretend accident. If that doesn't put the fear of reality in you, well, please email and tell me what city of which state you're in. I don't want to drive there, and I'll pray for those, especially the kids, who do.

Sorry to be so brutal, but somebody needs to "get real", as they said in my day. This thing is out of control, and I, for one of many, am grateful someone is stepping in, finally. Don't get me wrong, there are times that, yeah, I'd like to be chatting on the phone on a long or boring drive, but thankfully, not enough to die, or kill  for. Not today. One day at a time, as they say, right?

Thanks for coming, 

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