Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's me again...

and I am writing two books at the moment. Thought I'd catch you up on that, if I haven't mentioned the second one before. The idea for it...well, you'll see below. One is non-fiction and deals with some particular types of mental issues, you already know about that one; the other is a psychological thriller(is there any other kind when the author has mental issues?)  that I just got hit in the head with the other day, and already banged out the first several pages, have characters, plot line and all that. I think it’s going to be good. Maybe not a whole novel, but at least a long short story ( I just love mixing mutually exclusive words and phrases, gives all the English majors a hemorrhage. NOT that I want to hurt anyone, just enjoy sticking at least a toe over the line now and then.) I don’t have a lot of rebel in me, have to get my “jollies” irritating the very people that will help me get published. I’m not stupid, just stubborn, and on occasion, a bit willful. There is SO little in my control, actually, if you think about it, no one really has a lot of control over much more than their diet and wardrobe choices, and if they’re single, their haircut. Even then, there will be someone nagging you about something. I have naturally blah hair, color-wise, since my 20′s. Before that it was a good blonde, and I “kept” it blonde for years, BUT I secretly harbored a desire to be a redhead. I have the ideal coloring for it, and if you look around, there are actually some red hairs that are naturally occurring, but not enough. BUT I got a ration of it from my mother, who had hold of my reins WAY too long ( I DID mention the mental thing, right?) and she happened to hate redheads, so told me it would look horrid. Well, I finally didn’t care what she thought about this particular thing, and I LIKE it. No one new questions if it’s natural, and everyone is shocked that it’s not. SO, I DO, for now, and at my age we’ll go on and say from now on, have control of that. Oh dear, is my participle dangling? Even if you’re single, if you just eat what you like, and it’s not good for you, when you go to the doctor, you get the fish eye from him/her when they see your weight/cholesterol, or whatever, and says basically, change or die to you. And if you’re lucky enough to have a gay friend (and this is for everyone, even other gay men), you aren’t even totally in charge of your clothing, either. THEY will tell you, yes, you look positively fierce, BUT they will also tell you when you most definitely DO NOT, no holes barred. I mean "if you think you're wearing THAT, I'm NOT going out with you. NO, not even to Sonic DRIVE-IN, the guy on roller skates will see YOU, and by extension ME, so go change or put on a coat..and NOT the lime one, either" least that's the sort of thing I get from my friend. (I LOVE you, Jeremy. I'm in SO much trouble now) So.
I guess that's all for today. I started a new client today, MUST arrange for lawn care (yeah, two days before Christmas...Texas is SUCH a joy in some ways. The weather is great, except the stupid grass won't die. That really bugs me. I have to pay for the lot my house is on, and a pretty penny, too, BUT then I have to do everything to it, except dig giant holes for the water company to put in new mains, and trim the trees when they hang into the street. Otherwise, I'm just getting to squat here, no benefits for rental. Two words that send me into virtual rapture. Maintenance man. Yeah buddy. Am I looking forward to moving some day and having THAT again, or is it HIM? That, and free lawn care. Anyhow, have a bunch of stuff to do, so going now. Have a nice evening trimming, wrapping or whatever you are doing tonight.
See you soon,

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