Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Another day in the life...

Hi there, fellow travelers. Hope you had a good day.
As I have mentioned, I am disabled, but still work part-time as a care-giver, both to 
elders and pets. Tomorrow, or rather, later today, I will have to say goodbye to another 
of my elders. She is a wonderful woman, and I will miss her, even though this assignment was
very short. She developed dementia VERY quickly, and it is going at warp speed. I was
to be a care-giver for the foreseeable future, but in just a week, she has "plunged", and will be going to a VERY nice assisted-living facility this weekend. Good sons are hard to come by, but she has one.
So I will have to begin again
with either another pet or person. I would love an animal gig for a while, although they 
are just as compelling when elderly and sick. I know it sounds like a very depressing job, but
helping the families ease into the inevitable with my experiences is a wonderful gift. 
I get to educate and ease all sorts of different sorts of pain, and make the last days, or even the days that a beloved pet has to miss their "Alpha dog" while they vacation, or even go to work, is a joy, not a job...amazing what a difference that one little letter makes, huh?

I am determined to work on the book while shopping/waiting for the next assignment. I have GOT to get it going again, and finished. I want it out there, educating people, helping. 
I am beginning to understand why I didn't have children. I wouldn't have time for grandkids now, too many others to do for, and I would never want to cheat family out of their
grannie....geeze, that sounds so OLD. Coming up on the big one, at least for me. Fifty didn't kill me like I thought it would, but SIXTY??? I am NOT 59 years old, I tell you...there has been a mistake. I remember people my age now telling me that they still felt 20 in their heads (yeah, right). Well, guess what? It's, aside from the aches, pains, and the indignity of colonoscopy, true. One of my roommates gives me all SORTS of grief over saying "cool" and other things that he truly believes started with HIS generation, yeah, sure. He's 29! Even Tony Hawk wasn't the first Tony Hawk. Jason Lee (better knows as "My name is Earl") was, believe THAT or not. Google him and see.The only thing my roommies generation seem to have started were pants dangling from butts and staying on I have NO idea HOW, but I want to yank every pair up that I see. 
WHEN, and more importantly, WHERE did guys get the idea that perilously close to falling off pants were the least bit attractive??? If I want to see a man's hiney, I'll hire a plumber, or date again, okay? (no offense to plumbers, it's the nature of the beast, although maybe it was YOU that started all this, now that I think of it). Anyhow, I will be SO happy to see the shape of a butt without having to endure all the underwear flashing...sorry guys, so very NOT sexy. But maybe you don't care about sexy, but do you care about being able to walk like a normal person. You all look like you have arthritis when you walk, "clinging" to your pants with, I'm supposing, your incredibly over-worked butt muscles. Wait until you HAVE it to walk that way, huh? 

I'm so worried about one of my other roomies. He is sick with a sinus infection, and I think that having to find a job for as long as he's been trying is enough of a load. PLEASE, someone in Fort Worth hire this wonderful guy, would you? He's a great warehouseman and supervisor. If anyone reading this has a job, write me, and I'll pass any offers of work along to him.

Another reason I want to finish the book so badly is that I want to be able to talk to you about the topic of it, here. I have so much to share, but can't yet..bah, humbug. But I'm getting there, hang in with me. Mental illness is a big deal in the world today. If they'd known THEN, what they do NOW, I might not be working part-time and be alone in the world, romance-wise. Although who knows how the thing with the ex is going to go? That is a shock I'm still getting over, him calling after 32 years, AND us getting along so well, so far. Be interesting to see the rest of THIS storyline in my life. There is a reason for everything, pretty much..cannot wait to find out the reason for this. YEAH, we both have closure now, but we're still talking, so there MUST be something else there, don't you think?

OH YEAH, never answered the riddle, did I? Okay..answer to "how many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?"...only one, but the light bulb has to really WANT to change..ha. Oldie, but a goodie.

So, how do you successfully stop smoking? See just above. Worked for me, and anyone else that 100% WANTS to change. Now, you saw a moral coming, didn't you? Okay, I know, I realize I'm from another planet. That's why the title of my blog, AND my campaign to STAMP OUT NORMAL, BE UNIQUE!!! And also remember to be alert, we can always use more lerts.....I know, told that one already. Remind me tomorrow to talk about getting "around to it", would you? I'm liable to forget and NOT.

Okay, I'm finally too sleepy to type, so bye for now. I hope someone out there is reading this besides me...The ex tried, but not really his cup of tea. MY angle is a bit too far out there for him, and that's okay, love him anyhow. He's a Southern boy history buff, and that's not MY deal, history, I mean, so we're okay. 
Nite nite, termites 
See ya soon, 

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