Greetings fellow travelers,
I have been vindicated by my trusty old dictionary. I was referred to the other day (and this was good-natured ribbing by a very long-time friend), as the "comma queen". Now, this wouldn't have bothered me because this particular friend has always enjoyed yanking my chain, no sweat, but when your ex husband has also chimed in with "you're so wordy", it's time to get out "old blue". I looked up a couple of words, but first "comma". The definitions were pretty run of the mill and addressed the basic applications of the long tailed cousin of the period, but the final one finally released me from the dreaded "comma guilt", which any writer can tell you, is agonizing. It said..."a pause". Now, I like to type just like I talk. I take pauses. Sometimes for dramatic or humorous effect, sometimes just to breathe because I've been talking for a couple sentences and need to. But I DO pause. So I feel it's alright to put those in writing no matter how much the English majors might hemorrhage over it. I DO apologize, but that's me, I pause. HA
The other word was pedant. And yes, I DO get lost in the minutae of life and what I write about it, but isn't that the very definition of a writer? To capture that minutae that others miss? That's what stand-up comics do, point out stuff that most people don't think about, right? So, yes I do focus on the obscure, but darn it, that's my (unofficial so far) job, and a darn fine hobby, especially when caring for the elderly. When you get to your 80's, that is what you live for, the details of your life. At least those that are alone, and those are the ones that I mostly take care of. So, a second vindication, yee ha. I feel so, so wordy and relieved that although some may find me tedious and pedantic, others find me somewhat amusing. And what really kills me is this. The very people that cry out that I'm too fixated on details and such are the VERY one's who come (or call at 3am from a bar) to me with "how do you spell this" or " who was in that movie, you know with what's his name, in that place", and I'm supposed to fill in those blanks with what? All together now..details!!
As the commercial, or some other detail says, "I feel MUCH better now". Thank you, and goodnight.
See you soon,
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