Hello and good morning! I have FINALLY finished chapter one of my book. You understand that this includes, first, the disclaimer, dedication, foreword and all that, right. Of course you do. SO, the hardest part is now done, over, in the past tense... and it should be a sleigh ride from here, out.
So, has anyone figured out how to punctuate that line of words yet? I cannot believe I haven't heard the right answer yet. This may be one of the bonuses of being like me, you can see patterns more easily in some stuff. Yea for our side, an edge.
I'm also waiting for negative feedback on my not being a Nationalist and all that it encompasses, and having the temerity to re-name the country. Don't get me wrong. I love being here, and am VERY grateful to NOT be in a war zone, etc. I'm simply trying to explain that without borders, we'd all have less ridiculous stuff to worry about, and we'd get along better. I don't like clique's, and we are as bad as the French are reputed to be, except for ONE tiny difference. THEY keep THEIR way of life to themselves and simply mock the tourists. WE, on the other hand, want to be in the world "clique" and therefore try to fix everyone else's problems, even when NOT invited, and then try to "change" everyone that we save from themselves into US. That is so wrong. It's like the old saying "Never try to teach a pig to sing, it's a waste of your time, and it annoys the pig". Let's be just a TINY bit xenophobic here, could we, and bring all the work we need doing BACK home and do it ourselves? Doing that would create so many jobs that THEN we could out-source the over-flow, but let's HAVE one first. I play a game on Facebook where you build your own little city, as does everyone in the game, and you can earn extra points by visiting other cities, and patronizing their businesses and venues, and they do like-wise. Now, it's conceivable, I suppose, if you have enough friends playing the game, that you could depend on them doing all the harvesting, patronizing, etc, and you do the minimum...but THAT is NOT the purpose of the game at all. The point is, I believe, how to take care of your own, by providing "work" for your little people, places for them to "live", built in-house, btw, and having businesses in YOUR city for them to buy locally (meaning, for the most part, YOUR city, and maybe a few grabs from others that you visit, and a limited number of imports). So can't we keep the "sharing" to a congenial, but limited amount, employ people HERE first, THEN go outside? I know....I sound like I AM a Nationalist, huh? Well, I just want to put this place, if I'm to be here, back on it's feet, and it's sure not going to, not the way it's going now. I think being totally xenophobic (Fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners..as per Webster's New World Dictionary and Handbook, circa 1970), is not only wrong, but really, truly not feasable. I'm talking JUST enough that we get our
"stuff" back in one sock again, IN-HOUSE FIRST, that's all. And THEN, IF we're really good at it, maybe other's will follow suit, willingly, and THEN we can talk about tearing down those borders. Europe has taken the first step, in a way, with the invention of the Euro-dollar...works all over Europe. No more having to change your money in every country. That is co-operative thinking, makes traveling there SO much easier and more pleasant, don't you think? Believe it or not, because of our crumbling economy, we now have so many new forms of currency just inside the country, that we are out-stripping anything Europe had going. Check it out. Pesos are now accepted on southern border states, there are what are called, I believe Burken dollars back East, and there are more every day. We are slowly turning into a barter-type society, and although that can be good, in some ways, it's going to get awfully confusing if every state starts having it's own money. We're going backwards here, folks.
Okay. Got to go, but probably back later. So much to do, so little time.
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