Sunday, December 18, 2011

Good heavens!

I HAD to come back and apologize for the typos in the last posting. Good grief!! And I'm a spelling and grammar Nazi, as everyone who knows me knows. I browse the dictionary for fun, look up ANY word I'm not sure of. I'm constantly being asked to spell stuff, even though there's an "app" for that, apparently, in a pinch, I'm the dictionary app. Good for me...but I read my posts about 5 times before hitting the "publish" button. I have NO idea where my head was. The only excuse I can come close to hanging onto here ( and this is a really big reach for that white and red ring. I need new glasses really badly. So, don't judge to harshly. Sometimes my brain is cranking out words faster than my fingers can type them and I add, separate and otherwise mutilate words along the way...HEY, that's a MUCH better excuse. I DO have mental issues. Okay, going with excuse two, and yes, that's my final answer, locking it in now, Jeff or Meredith, depending on the game show you watch. But I really AM smarter that a Fifth grader(well, in English, anyhow...not so much math, geography, history and civics), and I DO want to be a millionaire, although I hear a mil doesn't go as far as it USED to...I'm willing to live with it, trust me, and just give me a shot at it.

Bye again for now, 

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