Good evening, or morning, depending on where you are. Here, it's 1:00am and I am VERY frustrated and angry for my dear friend and one of my roomies.
Before I start, this sort of ties into the "around to it" thing I mentioned last time. I'm finally getting around to ranting about this topic. And I think I may start, when I can afford it, to getting round tuits made into lapel buttons, and passing them out again, I think it's time. When I was working with my parents, many years ago, due, in part, to my mental state, I would often say, "I'll get around to it." Well, as it happens, we were partly a business that made stained glass (actually, it's called art glass to those in the biz, only called stained glass when a solid sheet of glass is painted on, or "stained" . Evermore, the trivia queen). Anyhow, we also did sand-blasting, which is like silk screening on glass, without the fumes, and one day, after having said that phrase, my dad handed me a round piece of glass with some word blasted onto it...the word was I had a ROUND TUIT..and no longer could SAY that, because I HAD one...dang it.
SO, I'm bringing bright yellow TUIT's back soon. This goes right along with my STAMP OUT NORMAL, BE UNIQUE theme, and the lert thing. Still with me? Good... I really like people that can hang in there with me.
Now, on to tonight's main topic. WHEN did it become a BAD thing to be a "Whistleblower"?
I was under the impression that if there was something very wrong with a company, and you stood up and spoke out about it, you were a hero for doing so. Remember "Norma Rae", anyone? My friend has been, apparently, branded for life with this moniker, and because of it, cannot get a job. He is an honest, hard-working man who actually cares about his fellow employee's and those he supervises, and for THIS, no job for months. Is this right, fair, anything in that arena?? If I were the owner of a company, I would sure want to know what was going on, especially if I wasn't around there much, and needed eyes and ears reporting back to me. Alerting(see, be a lert, we need more of them) fellow employees' that they're about to "get it in the neck" , as so many have been, and are, lately, is only right, if you know what's coming, and they don't, Right??
Could YOU sit by and watch someone put money down on a house or car KNOWING that next week, they would be out of a job? I couldn't, and if you could, please don't come here anymore, you're without a heart. Wait. Did I hear someone say, "hey, it's none of MY business, I'm looking out for Me and Mine"? Is THAT what it's coming down to? MY JOB=MY ASS and You are on your own? That is Not very neighborly, truly fair, or even what most would describe as "Christian". (WHOLE different blog night there).
BOSSES WAKE UP!!! If you're sinking the ship, and someone with a spine spills the beans before you get yours and run, tough noogies, pal. Business owners, appreciate someone that is watching your back, would you? And if YOU are the one perpetrating the crime, then SHAME ON YOU, seriously. We are better than this, aren't we? We used to be. What happened? Who do I pin the blame on for America becoming "The Land of the ME"?? Ack and bah, humbug.
If ANYONE in the Fort Worth area wants a hard-working, honest man as an employee..please email me immediately. I happen to have one right here I'll send right over. For the record, he knows nothing about this. I don't think he reads me because I haven't given him the address yet. Need a bit of time getting used to this first. So he's not involved in my "Hire this guy" rant I'm on. Would probably be mad at me, but I'm not mentioning his name or email address, just mine, so.
Okay, that's about it for tonight. I wish I had a riddle or something for you, but it's been a long week. Maybe tomorrow, I'll have something amusing for you to chomp on. Hope so. Soapboxes are so hard to keep one's balance on, right? So, I'm hopping off now, maybe play a bit of some game and call it a day.
See you later,
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