You know, I live in a pretty quiet neighborhood, except for a couple of folks, and they aren't a big pain except for sometimes, and then they are like the little girl of literary fame, "There was a little girl who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good, she was very, very good...but when she was bad, she was horrid". The biker is just annoying as he stops at the sign and move on, he doesn't sit there and rev his Harley (and I used to ride back in the stone ages, so understand that part of the appeal of a Harley IS that growly engine, so, he moves on) BUT there is this one neighbor is like this. Every night, when he comes home, his car stereo is at full blast, and I mean that my windows vibrate in my house. My insides quiver, too. And when he stops at the stop sign RIGHT at my house, he seems to park there. It's possible that it's the new guy across the street, though, and maybe he's in his driveway, but the racket doesn't just StOP, as in turning it off, it fades, as in going away. Perhaps it's a trick to make others THINK it's going away so that he doesn't get caught. There is a really good security service that patrols, and often, at night here. So I'm thinking that of all nights, Christmas eve would be blast free. Wrong. I am assuming it was the same guy, perhaps not, but it was someone totally wrapped up in their own little world, just like him, not giving a whit about anyone else.And this is for TWENTY glorious minutes around midnight, good grief!! There is a great mix of ages here, not just old fogy's like me. Now having said THAT, I'll tell you THIS. I came from the generation that invented speakers that would make your ears bleed. It's MY generation that spawned a group of listeners that now need hearing aids, and who can't hear a very small range of sound due to the damage from concerts. They take more precautions now at public events, but I had one roommate that had his Ipod up SO loud that even across the room, I could hear the music, quite well enough to have identified the song, if you can call the screaming that he was listening to music. (Seems more like sound you'd read about being played at Gitmo or some other "detainee center" where secrets are extracted with various forms of unpleasant "entertainment", but HE loved it. It was what we in the house referred to as "angry white boy" music, and he definitely WAS that. No wonder he had such a temper. I tried to make up to him his horrid upbringing, but to no avail, but back to the subject. MY people invented loud music, BUT we had respect still, for other people and confined our window rattling to the freeway, with the windows shut, as a rule (also to keep the cloud of pot smoke IN for as long as possible. Maybe we weren't been so considerate, as cautious, but for whatever reason, there is no fear, no respect. Now I will be the first to tell you that I can appreciate and enjoy cranking some music WAY too high, but not so much when in traffic, NEVER with the windows down or ALL base. And yes, I realize that some people may hear it a bit at a light, and I will be the first to admit that I get some amusement from knowing that they are looking for a teen driver, and never suspect the old lady. Hard to keep still when it's a good song, though. So I KNOW what it's like wanting to crank SOME songs up, but to have it ALL up for the singular purpose of being annoying, that's another story. I keep the sound balanced and when I enter a neighborhood, I turn it DOWN. And if you have any doubt about if you're disturbing your neighbors, who, btw, you could need sometime, then that means you ARE disturbing them. And if there is NO other sound you can here, I guarantee it. Now I KNOW that the offenders will not be someone that reads me, but if someone near someone that DOES this, please speak up somehow. This is becoming unacceptable, and I'm NOT a prude, just tired of having headaches foisted upon me by passersby, that's all.
Sorry to be such a Grinch today, but that's how my night ended, so it's the mood my day starts in.
Also, I'm SO sore from working on my new clients house. It was terrible, but getting better, it's just that elbow grease now affects WAY more than my elbows these days. But I'm so glad to give her a clean house.
Hope you're enjoying your day,
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