Monday, December 12, 2011

Hi, I'm back...and with a new issue to add to "Normal"

Good afternoon kids,
Okay, I'm still, of course, working on the book, the campaign to stop "whistle blowing" from being a bad thing,( BTW, I was reading an old, 2007 Reader's Digest, looking for something, and happened on the Dear Abby sort of page, and even THERE, where a person asked if, after being laid-off, at the exit interview, should they say anything about what's been going on there, to the interviewer, and the reply was basically NO, don't ruin your chances at the next place by bad mouthing the last). Now, see, THIS really just about disgusts me. Know why? Because while we whine, complain and condemn being taken advantage of by companies and things like Ponsi schemes...the very people that could let us KNOW about such tomfoolery and client raping, are the ones that get in trouble!! How wrong IS that?
Do we want to know or don't we?? If we DO, we have to STOP stigmatizing the poor souls who TRY to tell us about such things, and START rewarding them with "Good citizen" medals... or at the VERY least, a nice new job with someone that appreciates knowing what's going on "behind the curtain" (sorry, this reminds me of a scene in The Wizard of Oz where the REAL wizard is exposed). 
What just KILLS me is that there is a newish show on, called "Undercover Boss" where the CEO of a company disguises him/herself, and is placed in different jobs within the company, surreptitiously to discover any "goings on", but of course, what they usually find are wonderful employees, always really in need of something, or at the least, deserving of further education, or something...and it is basically making potential whistle blowers, TV stars! Now, digging through your own company is slightly different than an employee doing it, BUT if you, the CEO, are NOT a bad guy about to "stick it" to clients and employees alike, WHY would you not be just thrilled to know what's going on?? Please, someone tell me, yes?

Okay, new topic number two...
I personally am aware that, just in the Brazilian rain forests alone, there are literally thousands, and maybe even more, species of animals and plants that could, and probably will be, totally eradicated even before being discovered, and any ONE of those living things could hold the key to who knows WHAT cures for cancer, AIDS, and  maybe everything. We DID start out in a perfect garden, so maybe these BARELY explored areas hold the cures for everything, and we're piffing them away like last weeks garbage. Just recently, in S.E. Asia, there were, so far, 208 previously undiscovered species found!!! That is TWO HUNDRED and EIGHT, people!!! JUST in this tiny region. I know that the powers that be, everywhere want every single square inch of this planet to be Industrialized. Well, TOO BAD. We NEED, and desperately, to KEEP some areas just as they are. If you want/need to make a living, instead of grinding up Utopian areas, where, BTW, there are also stone age tribes still existing, quite nicely (and NOT industrialized, thank you) in there, too, build a fence around the forest..this alone would pay a Lot of folks for decades *the same guys that are driving the bulldozers could do it, THEN put the same people, and the ones that want farmland, etc, to work as tour guides and rangers IN the forests. What do you think? Everyone would still make money, the scientists would pay to come in and find these marvelous things they are, tourism would feed the locals, everyone, and everything would win. AND the planet would be pretty happy, too, I think, global warming-wise. THINK about these things and DO something with them. I can't do it all. BUT I think I have a new button in mind now. "Make the Rainforest a National Park". We feel the need to interfere in everyone elses' is a nice, non-violent project for you..go, do.

Okay, last thought for the day...and how "Orwellian" is THIS? Guess what the insurers are working on now? The ability to "monitor" our "social media scores" as yet another way to decide how big a risk we could be to insure in any way. So every time you click on that button that you see every time you want to add something, asking you permission for access to your info, this is now going to be one of the sources "mining" you for where you go, what you do, listen to, eat, drive, spend money on, EVERYTHING you do online will now be either counted in your favor, or more likely, against you.  I subscribe to Schwan's Home Delivery foods (which are fabulous, BTW, if you have them locally), so soon, my life and health insurance companies can actually see what I'm eating, for heaven's sake. This is SO wrong, in so many ways. The things they "find" could be, and will be, taken out of context, blown out of proportion, etc. Where is it going to end? With big brother actually with a series of cameras in our homes? Listen, laugh if you will, but it's coming, and sooner than you think. There are already cameras everywhere you go. Look up on occasion and see that little black bubble on the ceiling? THAT is a camera, my friend. That wonderful new show "Person of Interest" really shows you Just how Watched that we are...and they don't even have to exaggerate to do it. How creepy IS that? No one knew that there were subliminal messages in the movie previews, and movies, in theaters, either, and guess what, that sudden urge you had for popcorn, or whatever, was NOT a co-incidence, was it?  So, no laughing, okay?

Okay, I have given you some stuff to think about, please do, okay?

Over and out for now,
your ever watching Dragonfly

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