Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What if people that sued companies...

were actually working for a competitor? There is a non-specific person (for our purposes) suing a highly caffeinated soft drink company for a LOT of money, I read in the news. Now, IF what he said happened, did, then EWWW, and get that money, amen, but they're saying it's chemically impossible for the whole, um, rodent to have still been intact in the can he purchased, and having been a long-time drinker of this wonderful stuff, I can tell you that they're probably telling truth, given what it's done to my plastic mug over the years just on regular overnight stays. I could see it being the "jelly" that they said it would be on the one hand, but then, even if it WERE jelly, again, EWWWWW, and total, permanent trauma. I'd never be able to drink anything I'd not poured into a glass first again, ever. BUT...
On the other hand, what if. If you were a competitor of this wildly popular drink, and you were running a sad third, sort of like poor NBC seems to, network-wise, what better way to get folks re-acquainted with YOUR baby? These things seem to happen JUST often enough, but not TOO often, you know? Sort of like the Late/great/ first lawsuit over Tylenol a LONG time ago. Now, I'm not saying this guy is lying (don't want him to sue me next, although I have nothing but my cats, really), but don't you know the guy that came UP with this concept got a raise and a car from HIS agency? 

By the way, in case you're new here, when I "cap", I'm not yelling, it's just the only way to emphasize without underlining, and the way I talk, it would take days to do one blog... and no cheering in the background from my readers either,okay?

So anyway, what if?? A hangdog player could do that to almost any product, but you know what I've found through the years, especially since the internet, and yes, there was life before, that is generally true? IF you have a problem with a product, a really well worded letter to them about what has happened often gets you satisfaction. Not rich, but reasonable. This wonderful country has become way too litigious. It used to be that some people tried to "hit the jackpot" on Welfare. When I was young and a grocery checker, I'd have people come in sporting designer clothes (before knockoffs), furs, serious amounts of gold, etc, and pay with food stamps, and talking about being on Welfare. Then the Lottery came along, took some of that pressure off, now everyone is trying to get on disability with mental issues. Now, I am on disability, WITH mental problems, but they're life-long and I had to have two nervous breakdowns before I finally had to admit that I could no longer deal with a full-time, out in the big world type job AND survive, so I fought disability until I was basically forced to apply. Anyhow, enough of my craziness, we were talking about other people today.
NOW, the new game is "Wheel of Misfortune".  If anything happens to you, you must sue someone or something. I realize that lawsuits are sometimes necessary, but in a LOT of cases these days, not so much. 
I found a, well, I have no idea WHAT it was in some chunky soup one day. It was bite-sized and I thought it belonged there since it didn't have a tail or anything and was green, but as soon as I put it in my mouth, didn't even have to bite, I knew it did NOT, and spit it out. I still have no idea what it was, and yes, I didn't eat soup for a while, and even now still poke at everything in the chunky-style just to be sure, but I've had a few incidences like that, haven't you?( I DID wrap it and send it in, and got fairly compensated with some coupons, but that's enough, isn't it?  There are all sorts of things running around, literally and figuratively, in a factory, and sometimes something gets scooped up. It's the fairly reasonable price you pay for processed food, grow up. Now, having said that, IF you find something like a human body part, as in a thumb, in your food, by all means, sue, for a reasonable amount. They KNEW that someone lost a digit, blood and all,  and should have tanked that whole batch, absolutely. It's just that if we keep suing the few "in-house" manufacturers that are still here, we're going to kill the last of the processing plant jobs still available. And don't we have enough people out of work? Stuff happens, and yeah, sometimes one must sue, but every time?? Really?

Just sayin',

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