Sunday, January 29, 2012

Finally...thank you Cynthia Nixon

I have had writers block for what seems like years. I read as much as I can to find something, anything that will give me a spark of an idea, and finally, I have one...Choosing.
Now I want to say first thing that I will no doubt anger some of my readers with this, but remember, MY job is simply to make you either think or laugh or otherwise be stimulated in some way. I try not to be too opinionated, especially about anything controversial, just give YOU something to consider, that's all, okay?

Now, Ms. Nixon, the other day, said she CHOSE to be gay, which is the sort of statement that attention junkies like to make if they aren't doing so well financially, or trying to drum up attention for a cause, or say a new play they are about to be in...just something to get a camera in their face so they can then "plug" something. It happens all the time, if you pay attention. If you're doing something that's not of much note itself, you do something that IS, and voila, free publicity. SO, she chose, right? Well, I have a news flash. That's like saying you chose to be blonde, or allergic to peanuts or left-handed. You can dye your hair to a different color for a while to see what you think, but you're still blonde under that new, not natural color, right? You can CHOOSE to eat some other type of nuts to see if you're allergic to them all, and maybe you're not, but you're still doing something that your body isn't really comfortable with, and fights against with every nut (and yes, I see the potential joke there, but no), and as for being left-handed, you can train yourself to use your less dominant hand if it's not your body's first choice, but why would you? If you give a kid two crayons to choose from when they're little, and both colors are equally appealing, say magenta and teal ( two of my favorites and very hard to choose between), and they pick one to use from then on, you CAN take that color away from them and force them to use the other instead, just like you can force a natural lefty to be right-handed because it will make the world "easier" for them, but eventually their nature will  out somehow. You force a lefty to use their right hand, and you're forcing them to use a side of their brain as the primary side, and you aren't getting the person they were supposed to be, and that causes untold inner conflict in them. They don't know WHY they aren't doing what keeps bugging them to do, they are just confused about their thinking until they finally give in. Same with the color thing. Eventually, then want to use that other color, and when these things come to a head, there is usually a LOT of drama involved with the change over. Now a LOT of people, male and female, play softball in a league that generally only takes the other sex, just because they feel the need to fit, even if it's not where they really belong, and they might do great, stats-wise, and they might play for years in that league, but one day, they realize that they want to be on the other team more, because it's not so much work to be there, it's a better fit for them. So, can you go through life pretending to be someone you're not...sure, THAT is a choice. But choosing to be Gay, no, I don't think so. I think what you are doing is simply choosing to admit you are really left-handed, a magenta person and going back to your natural hair color, that's all. You were who you are all along, you were just choosing to hide it. Biology is biology and although you can run, you can't hide forever, not and be truly happy.
I saw where she also has shaved her head recently, don't know why, and I really don't want to. She's taken up enough space in my head already, but I hope she has finally gotten the attention she wanted, and apparently needed. 
That's all for now, hope I have not offended anyone.

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