Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Facebook. Just because it's there...

doesn't mean you HAVE to use it every second. I read an article that asked if Facebook was making us miserable. There is a link to it on my page on Facebook Pam.Wellner if you want to read it. When did we start blaming everything for our behavior but ourselves?? I know little kids and even teens do it, but come on, we're grown-ups aren't we? Facebook is like any other tool, just because you have it, Can use it, doesn't mean you HAVE to. Pretend it's a loaded gun or a bottle of medications. You only use those when necessary, OR you become a strung-out junkie or a serial killer. The author, Daniel Gulati, posted to Huffpost Health about this. He seems to think that maybe Facebook is somehow bullying us into a constant frenzy, Causing depression and other problems. There have always been people that MUST compete (otherwise, no Olympics, sports, advances in science, medicine, or really, anything) and Facebook is just a broader forum for them. I personally share both good and bad, peaks of both, because if I don't share ALL of me, well, I don't really consider them real friends, do I? And if they're not true friends, WHY is everything I do, or have, any of their business? Sure, if you have a kid or something else great, by all means, tell you real friends, BUT if you share THAT, also share things like some real friends of mine did with updates on their perilous pregnancy they just survived. Everyone was pulling for them, and the news wasn't always good. Given that the last couple of months were fraught with danger, it was easier to tell all their many real friends on facebook than phone everyone every day or week, those of us that wanted to know, and the ending was wonderful, btw. The point is, USE facebook, don't let it use you. Think of updates as presents to others. Do you really want to give them something that will make them feel left out, less than or otherwise bad? Of course not. Do you NEED to share an especially grim, scary or even wonderful happening? Sometimes,sure. One-upmanship has been around since cavemen. Don't blame the messenger, look in the mirror, THEN update. And while you're at it, before you do, please live your actual life first. You do not have to fill every single waking moment with something. Sometimes a quiet moment or so, like at the doctor's office, in traffic at a train, just odd moments, are for going over the day in your head, actually planning your evening, things like that. NOT updating the world on your mileage, what you just had for lunch or breaking a nail while texting.
Just sayin'

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