I wanted you to know that I seem to have a cold or something. I TRY to write something every one or two days...although they say you're supposed to pick when you'll be here and stick with it, like an absolute. I understand that, as a reader you want to know when I might have something new up, of course. The thing is, what if nothing "hits" me on a particular day? I don't want to disappoint anyone. Maybe it'd be better to be here for sure once a week, then you will get to be surprised with either one, a couple or several topics. I say that like I don't switch topics inside of one blog, right? So let's say that Saturday you will have something to read, for sure, and maybe just cruise by during the week in case inspiration strikes before then. I try to remember to tweet when a new page comes up, if you want to "follow" me on Twitter. I want to have followers, just don't want you trekking here for nothing, and if, like possibly the next few days, I'm sick, I want you to know that.
I will make a promise to take better notes about what I want to share with you, you know, the Little things, like details on a topic, instead of just "Hay baler machine goes berserk, bales chickens" or something like that...see, even THAT note had the details in it. For someone as OCD as I am, you'd think that details would be of utmost importance to me, and they are, but sometimes my brain goes faster than my pen, I have a few ideas at once, write down the basic thoughts, and when I get back to the first one.....
Yeah, exactly, blank. HOW does this happen? I have been going from one room to another and forgetting what I came in to get for a long time now, but actually forgetting a "great" topic in less than a minute? I am very glad I never managed to have children, didn't want to pass on the family curse, because by now I'd be a grandma, and what if I was sitting for my child, and LOST the baby?? I mean, I'd BE here, and the baby couldn't be very far, but it's the principle of the thing. I'm starting to wonder about me. What if I have a fire in the bedroom, go to the kitchen for a fire extinguisher or water, and forget why I came and make a sandwich? I know, that's a bit of a stretch, right? Well, I managed to get from the bedroom to my car and lose my cell phone. We're talking about 30 feet here, folks. I got about a third of the way to my destination, about a mile away, and reached to feel it in my pocket, and guess what? NOT. I turn around, come home and ask a roomie to call me so I can find it because it's NOT the last place I remember, which is my smock-like top's pocket. Well, my bed starts to ring, which I do not understand, and my sweater that I was wearing is there, but it's like a poncho and I can't tell if it's buried in there, or under the bed. So I have like 4 rings to find it, am basically standing on my head looking under the bed while simultaneously shaking the poncho...and it stops ringing. I don't want to admit just what an idiot I am, because he's heard the thing ringing, so I lied and said I found it, but it's just amazing how voluminous this poncho is (In all fairness, first time wearing it and it was bought a couple years ago), and it's NOT under the bed, and NOT falling out of the folds...ack!!! So I get a stranglehold on it, and start patting it down like I'm a TSA employee and it's a suspicious flyer, looking for the hard spot, bigger than the many snaps.
I would say long story short, but too late, I finally discover that it's in a pocket! I've never seen a poncho with pockets, and they're really small and besides, when did it get put in THERE? I may have a cold or something that feels like a gallon of water in my head, but really? I think I'll postpone the trip for a couple hours.
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