Monday, November 6, 2017

Time to choose...the NRA or innocent victims

Trump says this latest mass shooting "isn't a gun issue, It's a mental health issue"

Well , duh, you stupid NRA puppet.
But guess what?? His mental health wouldn't be much of an issue if he hadn't had a freaking assault rifle. Beating 26 people to death would have been much more difficult to do.
I'm sorry if I hurt any feelings, wait, not sorry, but you Constitution hugging, Armageddon planning, "I have my rights",
gun obsessed folks need to unclench.
Innocent 5 and 72 year olds, are being slaughtered..BY FREAKING GUNS held by nutcakes. You can spout that moronic verse, fed to you by the NRA, " guns don't kill people, people kill people" all day long, but.until access to at the least, assault weapons is stopped..every innocent life snuffed out by one is now, and forever more, on YOUR HEADS, because like women who don't report rapists, you could easily put a stop to it, and you instead sit self-righteously by and let it happen.
Let's start blaming the real culprits here and effect some change.

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