Friday, November 10, 2017

The fall of a dubious empire

Well, well, well.  I honestly never thought I would live to see this day come.  I am shocked, amazed and very proud.  Let me explain. First, I do not want to imply that this arena is the exclusive property of white males, since, of course, it is not. They just seem to excel above all others. I am talking, obviously, about all these men being exposed (no pun intended) as the perverts they have been. All these white men, with the glaring exception of Bill Cosby, who started this whole, glorious fall from grace, are being run to ground for their unacceptable deeds.
Now as anyone who has taken a biology class, or watched the Nature Channel, knows, it is the genetic imperative of the males of all species to make sure their DNA continues. To that end, they are constantly  trying, to varying degrees, to mate with any and all available females.  But the scenario is supposed to go that if one female rebuffs them, they move on to the next. No hard feelings, no pressure, just move on. That is how it's supposed to go.
Now again, I am not implying that white men have exclusivity here, obviously. But even though rape and molestation occurs with all races,  they do seem to have a long and extensive history, dating back to the days of Aristotle, and no doubt even before that. The historical theme has
always seemed to be to not only conquer, but to also rape while conquering. This seems to be the rule rather than the exception. Again, there is that genetic imperative to plant DNA everywhere possible. That is why you'll see both Roman and Viking features in Scotland, for instance.
But American men, especially rich and powerful ones, have taken this imperative and perverted it into a sort of entitled fetish.
It seems to have become some sort of game to them, one they feel entitled to play with whomever they choose. They use their power and money to get away with this sick need to over-power and use those that they feel confident will not fight back. And sadly, this gambit has worked for them, and for a very long time now. For various reasons, this behavior, although not a total secret, has never been exposed. Presumably because no one was willing to turn over the apple cart. To expose these men would mean losing parts, perhaps whole careers. Also, there is the shame factor. I grasp being embarrassed about having put oneself in the position to be molested. I was date raped long before there even was such a thing, and I was embarrassed to have been so stupidly naive. But that was 50 years ago. Things should be different today.  Women have been empowered for a while now. But, like I mentioned, livelihoods were also on the line, so these powerful men got to play with impunity...until now.
Finally, with first a trickle, the dam has broken and a dynasty has fallen.
It would seem that the era of sex through intimidation is over.
It is somewhat amusing, and sad, how easily these men are admitting to being sick and seeking treatment. Of course, they do this to avoid the possibility of being prosecuted, or otherwise punished for their deeds.
What really does amaze me is the domino effect. When Mr. Weinstein was outed, suddenly everyone who has ever been inappropriately touched is coming out of the shadows and ratting out their molester.
The bandwagon effect that is happening is really something to see.
These monsters are scrambling for excuses. The most heinous of which is Kevin Spacey, attempting to use being gay as a get out of jail free card. Being gay has nothing to do with his activities. Funny, I always thought there was something about him. Many actors, in their careers, take the odd role of a twisted character. But Mr. Spacey has made a career of playing skeevy men. You have to be a little ticky yourself to be that good at it, I think. Apparently, I was right. This is fetishism, a perverting of an imperative. Somewhere, in the lives of these men, they were made to feel that this behavior, on some level, was acceptable for them. This is where the white male privilege thing comes in, in my view.
There are molesters of all stripe, white and black, rich and poor...etc, ad infinitum. But if studied by scientists, and this is something that actually should be looked at, I believe rich white guys would be the biggest piece of that pie chart. I think this sense of entitlement is also passed on from one generation to the next, by implication or explicit behaviors.
I have renewed hope that this world can become a better place. When
dark secrets and bad behaviors come to light, there is progress for the human race. If we continue to weed out the miscreants from the herd that is mankind, there is indeed hope.
Just sayin,
Dragonfly Davis

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