Notice how I don't use whole names when I slam someone? Avoiding lawsuits., whan an idiot you are. There has to been something fundamentally wrong with someone who takes what could be the easiest, sweetest gig ever, and with the ease of your typical narcissist, you piss it all away.
Unfortunately, since you pander to children, and they are not as tainted, usually, as your average adult, you are likely to be forgiven, even though your "apology" lacks certain factors.Since you made a mess of that, too, those factors are genuine humility, something you seriously need to look into; some real regret over your incredible insensitivity, not only to the poor, dead soul, but to your somewhat delicate viewers. I won't even mention the sensibilities of your now regretful sponsors How many times can one mention oneself in an apology? You might want to check with the Guiness people, there could have been records broken, as well as the innocence of many of your fans.
i am sure there were some of your people that laughed right along with you, because you/they are still young enough to believe you are immortal. Nope, just immoral and callous youths.
I understand you get 3 strikes with your channel, and this is number one. Well, I'm not usually a gambler, but I would put a couple bucks on you managing to rack up the other two quickly enough. I looked into that face, and saw no real regret or remorse. The only thing I saw was the pain of having to apologize for something you though was cute. You are all ego, no soul. In Texas, we would call you All hat, no cattle.
I have to admit I will sort enjoy seeing how long it takes you to totally self-destruct.
Just sayin'
Dragonfly Davis
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