So, Dr. Jackson has declared Donald T. mentally intact..because he passed a series of tests any competent 10 year old could pass. That he can theoretically balance a check book, remember a series of words for 5 whole minutes and form whole sentences is hardly a glowing endorsement. Since his meaty finger is poised over THE button, here is the test I would like to see him volunteer for. I want a psychiatrist to take a DSM and tell me where on THATspectrum Mr. T sits. Because when I look up megalomaniac..I see his picture, and that is NOT the guy I want on that button.
To save everyone time..a megalomaniac is someone obsessed with their own power. This is where the problem lies, not whether he can successfully host a dinner party. The fact that he is constantly poking a fellow mega with a stick is the problem. He is literally playing a game of global "chicken" with our lives.
For whom were the results of these tests a comfort? I have never doubted his cleverness. The guy has made a career of getting others to build things for him, then not paying them, for paying practically no taxes, thanks to his perpetual state of bancruptcy. Getting women to marry him..all prove he is smart, for sure. But what he really needs testing for is his psychological status, not his mental accuity. It takes a rare breed to be the leader of a nation. Petulant behavior in the boardroom, on the set of a television show or even on Twitter is not an issue. It is amusing, and, if you happen to be the boss, tolerated. But leader of the free world, uh, no. Being strong and decisive,, yes. Being capable of diplomacy, definitely. Being able to balance humanity and pragmatism, sure. but showing your ass on Twitter, regularly causing eye rolls by other world leaders, not to mention constantly insulting one nation or another...not so much Presidential qualities. You wouldn't let your five year old behave this way, why do you tolerate your President? Talk about your fake news.
Just sayin'
Dragonfly Davis
Amen. All perfectly true.