Friday, January 26, 2018

Big Pharma...Devil or Angel?

Before I start, as of this posting, 36 children have died because of you whiny spoiled brats that I will be calling Antimoms from now on. So...this has just got to stop, this BP bashing, and here is why.
Most of the folks demonizing BP are under 30. Why does that matter, you may ask? It matters because of memories you don't have if you fit that demographic.
If you were born in the 1950s or even earlier, you have vivid memories of the time when things like polio ran wild, with no cure or even something to ease it, nothing. Measles, Rubella, Chicken Pox, Whopping Cough, and Mumps ALL ran wild.It was a rite of passage to get and survive them. We would get more days off for them than we did for snow. To us kids, days off from school was a cool thing, if one of us came down with symptoms, everyone else would do their best to rub up on them to catch it, too. To our mom, however, not so cool. These were not namby pamby diseases. You COULD actually die from them. Most of us didn't, but now many of us live with the threat of Shingles from having had the Chicken Pox. Thank God the nasty old BP came up with a one time only vaccine against this horribly painful rash.  If you were unlucky enough to contract Tuberculosis, that meant you were moving to either New Mexico or Arizona to live out the rest of your limited life, because those were the only places dry enough for you to survive. The only thing back then that was less deadly, for the most part, was the flu.That is only because world travel was not so frequent then, bringing back more and more exotic versions. It wasn't fun getting it, because there was no    vaccine, so if you got it, it was usually a solid 2 weeks in bed, but it wasn't so varied, at least. There were no real meds for any of these things beyond calamine lotion, aspirin, cough medicine and chicken soup. Suffering abounded.
Now before I defend, after a fashion, BP, let me say that I don't think they are in the least altruistic, particularly humanitarian, or even nice to their mothers, okay?
They are in it for the money, of course. Also, I am among those who feel they are withholding cancer solutions of various sorts, possibly until they can figure out the most profitable way too release them, but it's just a theory born from the       frustration of watching loved ones die from this insidious disease. 
But here's the thing, because of them, those diseases of my childhood were all but eradicated from the planet. The big bad BP made it possible to avoid all of them with a quick, simple vaccine. In fact, in the case of one vaccine, you get 3 in 1, with tetanus thrown in. 
Now I get that you want to live clean, the latest swami's are telling you about all the poisons in the world, and there are plenty, and how to avoid them...for a fee, of course. It's great to eliminate the dyes and scents from your toilet paper and laundry soap; avoid unnecessary chemicals in processed food; use all natural cleaning products and make-up. All these things are great, but at some point, some paranoid idiot decided to take a nostalgic walk back to the middle ages, which, if this anti-immunization movement keeps going, we will most surely be.
Think I'm being dramatic? It took one sick woman to wipe out a substantial amount of the total population of Europe. You know the charming kids song, Ring around the Rosie? It's about death and the Black Plague. There is now an outbreak of Measles and the flu in the Dallas/Ft.Worth metroplex. 
BP is not up for sainthood, for sure. But you need to do some actual research into the not too distant past and find out just how much you DON'T suffer from today because of them. THEN do some actual, reliable research about the fact that vaccines are pretty much harmless.You just do not really grasp how perilous life was before these vaccines, just like you cannot seem to comprehend a world without computers. Well, it existed, Antimom. There is a saying that everything that ever was will eventually cycle back around again, like bell-bottom jeans and turtle necks. Well, thanks to your unreasonable paranoia, the time when we truly feared some terrible diseases is making a serious comeback.

Just sayin'
Dragonfly Davis

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Dear Mr. Ansari

Well, it was inevitable. First there is a problem, usually one of epic  proportion, that everyone knows needs to be addressed, but nobody wants to be the first one to test the water. Too risky, too scary, too much to potentially lose. Fine, so shut up and let others continue to suffer for no other reason but your lack of courage.
Then one day someone says, you know what? Enough. Who cares what happens, this has got to stop. So that brave person jumps in with both feet. At first, everyone is stunned, shocked. Could this be true?? Short pause for initial dust to settle. Nothing bad is happening to our brave whistle blower, hot damn. All of a sudden, everyone is getting brave, remembering indignities done to them and they all need to unburden themselves, like right now!! 
This is a good thing. Finally the light is being directed at the dark corners of life, and the insects and vermin of humanity are being driven out of their hidey holes. All Hell is brought down on these men, one after another. There is someone new exposed nearly every day. Things will finally be changing.
Only one tiny problem. Just like in every war, there is collateral damage.
The MeToo movement was formed, and of course, everyone wanted to join. But without a personal account to tell, would one feel truly comfortable as a member? So now, some women, those desperate to be a part of anything new and shiny, are scouring their pasts, looking for anything that might do, like looking for a credible costume to a retro Halloween party.
This leaves every man  who has ever made a pass at a woman on every date he has ever been on, vulnerable. Which means virtually every man in America. Look, dating is literally a mating ritual. Part of that ritual is attempting to find a mate. Are some men simply terrible at this?? You betcha. Should they be criminalized? Good grief, no. Slapped perhaps, maybe even laughed at, if you're into that, but accused of assault, come on.
Here is how it goes, men try, and we either accept or refuse. Is it sometimes clumsy and embarassing, yep. Do you sometimes sorrrrt of accept, then suddenly decide, uh..nope,changed my mind, yep. Maybe he wasn't as good at seduction as you had hoped, not a good kisser, whatever. Point is, somewhere in the middle of the meal, you decided to send your plate back.
Buyers remorse is NOT cause to indict the chef. You made a bad choice. No actual harm, no foul. Get over yourself.  Don't destroy some poor shlub just to get into the club, ladies. If you are fortunate enough to NOT have a story, just be supportive of those who do, geeze.

Just sayin'
Dragonfly Davis

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Am I relieved? uh, no

So, Dr. Jackson has declared Donald T. mentally intact..because he passed a series of tests any competent 10 year old could pass. That he can theoretically balance a check book, remember a series of words for 5 whole minutes and form whole sentences is hardly a glowing endorsement. Since his meaty finger is poised over THE button, here is the test I would like to see him volunteer for. I want a psychiatrist to take a DSM and tell me where on THATspectrum Mr. T sits. Because when I look up megalomaniac..I see his picture, and that is NOT the guy I want on that button.
 To save everyone time..a megalomaniac is someone obsessed with their own power. This is where the problem lies, not whether he can successfully host a dinner party. The fact that he is constantly poking a fellow mega with a stick is the problem. He is literally playing a game of global "chicken" with our lives.
For whom were the results of these tests a comfort? I have never doubted his cleverness. The guy has made a career of getting others to build things for him, then not paying them, for paying practically no taxes, thanks to his perpetual state of bancruptcy. Getting women to marry him..all prove he is smart, for sure. But what he really needs testing for is his psychological status, not his mental accuity. It takes a rare breed to be the leader of a nation. Petulant behavior in the boardroom, on the set of a television show or even on Twitter is not an issue. It is amusing, and, if you happen to be the boss, tolerated. But leader of the free world, uh, no. Being strong and decisive,, yes. Being capable of diplomacy, definitely. Being able to balance humanity and pragmatism, sure. but showing your ass on Twitter, regularly causing eye rolls by other world leaders, not to mention constantly insulting one nation or another...not so much Presidential qualities.  You wouldn't let your five year old behave this way, why do you tolerate your President? Talk about your fake news.

Just sayin'
Dragonfly Davis

Sunday, January 14, 2018


Tricky things, relationships. I have many, of all shapes and sizes. Some are casual and light, some are deep and complicated.
The ones I want to discuss now are the deep ones, the relationships that keep me warm when I am feeling cold and lonely, or scared, confused, angry, joyous, or simply feeling the strains of being bipolar.
These seven very special people keep me on an even keel. They all have something special that I need, and each one is very important to me. Thee people are, unfortunately, far flung from me, physically. From New York, to Pennsylvania, across the country to Arizona and California...around the world, and in of all places, Russia, they nevertheless nestle close to my heart  in most ways that matter.
New York and Arizona, you are my sisters from different misters. You could not be more different from each other, and yet, you both provide me with true camraderie when I am feeling sad, or even worse. You know just what to say, how to make me laugh, and most important, how to make me feel important just because I exist. You are touchstones, and at different, very intense times in my life, you were there to hold my hand in the darkness that was my life until the light shone again. And you continue to bring me joy every day..even though you can both be terrible brats..but that's what little sisters sometimes are.
My friends in California, you have filled a hole in my life and heart that would have been taken by children, had I been lucky enough to have them. Through you, I get to know the joy and pain of motherhood, and grannyhood, too. You got me in front of a camera, and make me accountable for my whereabouts on a regular basis. You bug me about my health and welfare and perform yearly miracles by getting a confirmed introvert on a plane every spring to come and experience, well, experiences for two amazing weeks. You have taken the burden of the handling of my affairs, should the worst happen, as your own. 
To my friends in Pennsylvania, England and the start of deep relationships, there is a courtship phase. You meet, usually engaging in a mutual interest. At first, it's casual, then slowly, you start talking. Suddenly, you cannot talk to each other enough, you find you have so many common interests, you can't really believe it. So now, you are spending time together and then you broach the Devil's, religion and politics. Miracle of miracles, you are not only still speaking, but are seeing each other regularly. Then there is music, books, sense of have found a kindred spirit, you are home. You are now ready to run off into the the deep woods of Washington, or a remote and sparsely populated island with this person...but then, like all relationships, you go through a small cooling off period, after a white hot courtship. Is it over, have they tired of me, realized what a crazy person I am? The answer is no, silly rabbit, no is most definitely not over. It has just reached comfortability, true compatibility. There is no need for constant reassurance, it is no longer an unbaked cake. It is fully cooked and ready to be completely and thoroughly enjoyed. And enjoy you I do, so much. You bring the color, sound, scenery and wonderful dialog to my otherwise drab life. 
I have a few other friends that I get daily joy from, for whom I am grateful at all times. Without you, laughter would be rarer, I wouldn't be challenged so much, or have nearly as interesting a feed on Facebook as I do. Thank you all so much for being my friends, I cherish you all.

Just Sayin'
Dragonfly Davis

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Dear Mr.

Notice how I don't use whole names when I slam someone? Avoiding lawsuits., whan an idiot you are. There has to been something fundamentally wrong with someone who takes what could be the easiest, sweetest gig ever, and with the ease of your typical narcissist, you piss it all away. 
Unfortunately, since you pander to children, and they are not as tainted, usually, as your average adult, you are likely to be forgiven, even though your "apology" lacks certain factors.Since you made a mess of that, too, those factors are genuine humility, something you seriously need to look into; some real regret over your incredible insensitivity, not only to the poor, dead soul, but to your somewhat delicate viewers. I won't even mention the sensibilities of your now regretful sponsors How many times can one mention oneself in an apology? You might want to check with the Guiness people, there could have been records broken, as well as the innocence of many of your fans.
i am sure there were some of your people that laughed right along with you, because you/they are still young enough to believe you are immortal. Nope, just immoral and callous youths. 
I understand you get 3 strikes with your channel, and this is number one. Well, I'm not usually a gambler, but I would put a couple bucks on you managing to rack up the other two quickly enough. I looked into that face, and saw no real regret or remorse. The only thing I saw was the pain of having to apologize for something you though was cute. You are all ego, no soul. In Texas, we would call you All hat, no cattle.
I have to admit I will sort enjoy seeing how long it takes you to totally self-destruct.

Just sayin'
Dragonfly Davis