I am rarely speechless, especially when it comes to idiots like Rush Limbaugh. Usually I just let them go on their ignorant way, hoping and praying that MOST of the population sees them as the publicity seeking nut jobs that they are, have a good laugh at their tiny, warped thought brains and go about their days....but, sometimes even old Rush, who's been annoying people long enough now with his rhetoric and obvious personal problems, goes too far. This fool called a young woman, Sandra Fluke, a slut because she is standing up for birth control. Now before I go any further, I think EVERYONE that wants birth control should pay for it themselves, just like I did for all those years, unless there is an additional medical reason to take it. I had to take the pill to control my cycles, my rampant acne, etc, but no one covered it then, and if it's strictly for the purpose of not getting pregnant, I don't think any company should pay for it now. That is an ELECTIVE thing, like plastic surgery and most dental braces. If there is no other medical need for it, why is ANYONE covering it? Anyway, back to the idiot, this is a direct quote from the article...
"What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic] who goes
before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be
paid to have sex -- what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right?
It makes her a prostitute," Limbaugh said. "She wants to be paid to
have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception.
She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex."
Does he know her personally? Does he know that she doesn't have a medical need for this drug? And "she's having SO much sex"? You only have to have sex one time to get pregnant, you jerk. And you don't take a pill after every time you have sex, which he might know, if anyone was having sex with HIM. Would you rather pay for her child if she got pregnant and couldn't afford it? Don't we have enough children in the world that weren't planned? And she's not getting paid anything, any more than I get PAID to not have another breakdown because insurance covers my psych meds. She is NOT profiting if her birth control is covered. Maybe she's not out the cost of birth control, but she isn't gaining anything. This was just plain out of line and how long do people like him get to rip the spotlight over to themselves before we say we've had enough of them and quit giving them the attention they so obviously crave? I know, freedom of speech. It's a good thing, and he can chatter away all he wants to, but do we have to publicize every word, or can we just pass over the more ludicrous stuff?
Oh yeah, and just for the record, Rush, old pal. A slut doesn't get paid. Ask the next pro you see to explain the difference between the two, okay?
Lord have mercy on drunks and fools, (that covers my ex AND Rush)
Just shaking my head and sayin',
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