Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dear Mr. Limbaugh

I love that you are apologizing to all these companies that are dropping you like the rotten hot potato that you are, but your apologizing is falling on deaf ears, and do you know why? Because the public, and the businesses that backed you in the first place are actually a lot smarter than you give them credit for. 
You're like a little kid that got caught calling his sister names, and you aren't REALLY saying you're sorry for saying those things, or even to whom you said them. You're simply sorry you got 'caught", as it were. You thought you could slide by, because you're so witty and wise, when what you really are is hateful and full of vitriolic rhetoric aimed at whoever is unlucky enough to fall into your sights. Even Glenn Beck knows enough to limit his smears to companies and large generalized groups that are used to taking hits like this, but not YOU. YOU felt the need to attack a solitary young woman trying to do the right thing, which she has the right to do. You don't know her medical history. It doesn't really make a difference in your attack, but what if she takes birth control for the same reasons I did, for instance. I had endometriosis, which is amazingly painful during periods until/if you have your first child. It is debilitating and makes functioning during your cycle practically impossible, the pain I would wish on you just ONCE, so you'd know. THAT is a sound medical reason for the pills. 
Like I have said, I don't think anyone but the user of birth control should pay for it IF it is being used strictly for that function alone. That is a totally elective thing, like most plastic surgery, in my opinion, but it's something that has to be evaluated on a person to person basis, and I cannot WAIT for the male birth control pill to come out. It's a shared responsibility between two individuals, not the state, the country, or even an insurance company, BUT, if one cannot afford said medication, I DO think it is better for the insurer to cover THAT expense rather than the expense of an abortion or the ongoing care of a child not planned for. We are over-crowded enough on the planet, don't you think?
The point is that you are just saying you're sorry because you are being punished, and that's the wrong reason to apologize. If I were Ms. Fluke, I wouldn't accept your apology at this point, because it's just to get your sponsors back. Until you have nothing else to lose, or by apologizing, something to gain, I would personally let your twist in the wind until you were deemed totally unfit for ANY and all media outlets, THEN maybe I'd accept, but not definitely. You KNEW exactly what you were going to say, and felt fine saying it at the time. Only when the ship started sinking did you re-consider your horrible, hateful words, and that's not enough, sorry.
Just feeling Ms. Fluke's pain and sayin'

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