Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My dear Mr. Clooney

Today is an open letter that I pray gets to George Clooney through the electronic miracle of Twitter. My hope is that someone that follows me will re-tweet to someone who follows them, and so forth. IF this does get there, this is my message and hope for George.

Hi, I will try not to take up too much of your time, but I wanted you to know that you are not even close to being alone with the issues you are struggling with. I too suffer with chronic pain, in too many places to even bother mentioning, but I do it every single day. I have considered NOT suffering any longer many, many times, but for some stupid reason, keep going. I don't take anything for my various pains because I could not function otherwise, which, I would imagine is part of why you no longer do. 
The other, and more profound, reason that I am writing to you is the statement you made about being alone in a crowd. THAT touched a big nerve in me. I feel MORE alone WITH a lot of people around me than when I am actually alone, mostly because the more people that are around me, the less I can be myself. I can be what everyone expects me to be...witty, urbane, charming, and most of all, amusingly funny. That seems to be my job since I was a kid and used humor as a shield against the bullies. Very few people realize that I suffer from not only bipolar disorder, but panic and anxiety issues and agoraphobia. That is because I have learned to be a consummate actress. I can SEEM to be just fine and very friendly for short bursts of time, but I can't maintain it for long, and the older I get, the harder it seems to be to do.
I watch you at these big events, with your seemingly charming new girl at your side, and I see the weariness in your face. I know that a part of you enjoys these things, mainly, it would seem, so you can continue your little "battle of wits" with your good friend, Brad. I think that it's stuff like that ongoing pranking  that actually keeps you going some days. I think it's the quirkier things about you that make you the happiest and the most willing to keep doing what you do. And I know that acting is a job, it's not the easy treat that most think, it is work. And it is work that you are brilliant at. Nice being able to "put someone else on" for a while, isn't it, and not be yourself? I get that.
You do a lot of philanthropic work that I know you must enjoy doing, but I know also that it doesn't totally fill the holes in your life, either. I understand that you have not ruled out marriage and fatherhood, that's a good thing, but George, know that although those are worthy goals, and I'd love to know that you could pass your wonderful thoughts and actions on to another generation, also remember that you should try to be really, truly comfortable before you do this.
I won't keep you any longer except to say I love the work you do, onscreen and in the world, I look forward to hearing new good things about your life, like Ms. Kiebler seems to be for you...and if you ever want a kindred spirit to talk to, you can always talk to me. Just tweet me and I'll send you my email address, or leave a message here for me. That's all for now, thanks for the indulgence today

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