Sunday, November 12, 2017

And another one bites the dust...

Well, it's about time. A judge, one with some sense, has finally settled the matter of one Ezekiel Elliott.  In case you don't know, this young man is a player for the Dallas Cowboys football team in Texas. He is a very talented player, almost surgical in his abilities. If he doesn't end up in prison for an even more disturbing act than this current one, his future on the field is bright.
But as brilliant as his judgement is ON the field, it is woefully lacking off the field.
At a St. Patrick's Day celebration this past March, he felt compelled, and entitled, to grab a womans top and expose her breasts. No warning, no permission, just decided it was the thing to do.
Well, the NFL decided this was, rightly, unacceptable behavior and handed down a 6 game suspension for this very bad act.
That is pretty much half the season. This should have been the end of the sordid story, right? Nope.
It is being fought, tooth and nail. And with some success. One judge sentences him, another re-instates him.  It has been going on for months. Youthful indescretion, they said. A temporary lapse in judgement, they said. The woman subsequently flashed her breasts herself, they said.
 And the most telling of all..he's not sorry, thinks it's no big deal. It was a spur of the moment, party atmosphere sort of thing, what's all the fuss about. Well I'll explain it to you, sport. You assaulted that woman, plain and simple. Just as surely as if you had struck her. You, without her permission, put your hands on her, period. Your intentions are not at issue, doesn't matter. Without provocation, you assaulted her. That is the big deal.
And consider this, maybe her subsequent behavior was actually caused by his act. Saying what she later did makes it okay is a lot like saying something like you can't rape a sex worker. That he faces no criminal charges is a miracle. Take that win, and sit out those games, mouth shut.
The other big deal is this.  Why are they fighting SO hard to relieve this
unrepentent man of his very fair punishment? You would think he was a brilliant surgeon, whose talents were sorely needed to save the life of a world leader or small child, and his punishment was preventing him from  performing life saving surgery. Not that any profession should negate punishment, just ask Harvey Weinstein. I just mean that  it would make all this fuss make a bit more sense. But he is a performer, an entertainer. No one will suffer as he sits out his well deserved, and extremely light, punishment. Oh wait, someone will suffer. Jerry Jones, he could suffer, financially.  Mr. Elliott is not a bit player, he is a star. People will  pay to  see him do what he does best. Well, by all means, let's look the other way, the poor millionaire might lose some money. Really?
Thiss young man is a criminal, Jerry. He assaulted a woman. And if he doesn't pay for his actions, he will repeat them, and maybe worse. He may anyhow, but at least we tried to set him straight, teach him the err of his ways. Do you really want his possible future bad acts  on your conscience? And make no mistake, Jerry. If he feels empowered by having gotten away scott free, you WILL be partially to blame for those acts. You have dodged a bullet grateful that a little money is all it costs you.

Just sayin'
Dragonfly Davis

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