or "Let there be light", or however you've heard it, it's all the same thing. After Jehovah the God created the light (Jesus), everything came afterwards. Now, what if, almost naturally, the first thing that the spiritual light would create, since HE was created as the great architect of the universe WAS, in fact, stars. Makes total sense, doesn't it? Now, stars come in ALL sizes. Ours, for instance is a pretty small guy for an active sun. Betelguise (pronounced here as Beetlejuice) is WAY bigger, and there is another sun that dwarfs IT, so. We don't have a clue how long God's days and nights are. They could last literally billions of years, down to 24 hours at any given time, it's not for us to know, but assume that as His divine architect is creating stars for the light, it takes billions of years for them to become what they all eventually do become. Big balls of gas, AND, they also have two other things in common. They all eventually burn out due to their hydrogen molecules turning into iron, instantaneously causing the star to explode; AND the fact that everything else IN the universe is made partly of stardust, the building blocks of life, plus some. SO, the first thing to exist beyond the Father and the Son HAS to be light, otherwise nothing else could get made. So they wait, and commune until some stars finally explode and widen the universe to the point where gravity takes things over and causes planets, moons, meteors, asteroid belts to come into being, and THEN, the dust further settles where it is designed to settle and starts the process of creating things with the Carpenter's help. So we truly are, science has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are comprised of stardust molecules, as is everything. So yeah! We agree on something at last. They just aren't quite ready to admit that someone intelligent had anything to do with how it happened. First was the "Big Bang Theory" that first there was nothing, then in an instant, everything out there, THEN there is "String theory" about multiple universes , and now ladies and germs, there is "M" theory, where two brains out there on occasion collide and made all of this.
My question is, with ALL that is happening in the world right now, WHY MUST we find the answer before we need to? It's NOT like anything is going to change any time soon, and we could sure use the trillions of dollars spent on this research, most of which is done in rooms on grease boards, NOW for stuff that is in dire need NOW, not in a billion years from now. I would LOVE to know how the universe works, but quite frankly, I don't think we are equipped to grasp the answer to that just yet. We would go insane if we really knew what was going on out there, we are yet as children. If it was time, we'd have been shown by now, right? Can we please just grasp what we DO know first, please, before foraying out there to find stuff we cannot comprehend yet? I want to know, but I have learned, as a grown up, the concept of delayed gratification and can wait until I'm supposed to see the bigger picture, and there is a LOT of it to study before running out for a LONG time. So learn some things about the known universe first before we literally "put our foot into it" and come to find out that there are greater things in heaven and on earth than we can imagine, already. Whadda ya say, huh?And in the meantime, let's talk about taking care of some things here, OR we would absolutely NOT be around long enough to find out the big surprise, and we want to be there don't we? I'm not saying to curtail the space programs entirely, but enough that we can balance the budget, little things like that and THEN, when we can afford to do all of this 'traveling", I'm on board, let's get things rolling along and find stuff out, okay? Otherwise, we're just going to be another dead moon if someone eventually finds us. What if they came today? I'd be embarrassed for how little we know about the "big room" we running around in, when we don't really know everything that's going in here. Let's explore our house before the neighborhood, what do you say??
Just saying,
Dragonfly Davis
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