You don't get to know what if unless you open the box, and if you open the box, you may find that you're already gone and this is all just a dream of some sort that you've never experienced. Maybe everything is just a dream that someone, somewhere is dreaming and everything we know to BE is part of that dream? Could that being be God? Are we all part of His dream for a universe and everything that would be in it? What if every single particle IN that dream made a difference in it? I saw a program, a science program, that proved that we are indeed formed from dust, stardust, to be exact. Every single thing in the universe is composed of the inner workings of stardust, from a star somewhere that died and spread itself out into the cosmos. It's positively Biblical in proportion when you think about it.
When the first star was created (let light come to be), it came and it grew over time and when it became old enough, it exploded into the space created and became EVERYTHING.
Remember that God's, and the universe's time, are NOT the same as OUR time. Who says science and religion can't get along? They're basically saying most of the same things, but like the Hatfield's and the McCoys, the Montague's and the Capulet's, neither side wants to admit they are in agreement about a LOT of stuff. There is NOTHING that I saw in "How the Universe was made" that dissuaded me from believing that an intelligence did it, nothing. Sorry space cowboys, you're steadily proving the Bible to be true little by little, whether you know your cat is dead or not.
As for MY cat, it's still in the damn box, and I'm scared to open it up. I want SO badly to be gone from all this pain, discomfort, frustration, loneliness and heartache, but then, what if... Those have GOT to be the two most diabolical words ever stuck together, and bah humbug to the bugger that did it. A pox on your big toe.
This is SO freaking hard sometimes, isn't it?
Just sayin' and trying to explain it all,
Dragonfly Davis
No extra charge for the definition below, I think everyone should read it, it's a poser, to say the least, and makes lesser stickers somewhat less sticky sometimes.
*Schrodinger's cat
Schrödinger's cat is a famous illustration of the principle in quantum theory of superposition,
proposed by Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. Schrödinger's cat serves to
demonstrate the apparent conflict between what quantum theory tells us
is true about the nature and behavior of matter on the microscopic level
and what we observe to be true about the nature and behavior of matter
on the macroscopic level -- everything visible to the unaided human eye.Here's Schrödinger's (theoretical) experiment: We place a living cat into a steel chamber, along with a device containing a vial of hydrocyanic acid. There is, in the chamber, a very small amount of hydrocyanic acid, a radioactive substance. If even a single atom of the substance decays during the test period, a relay mechanism will trip a hammer, which will, in turn, break the vial and kill the cat.
The observer cannot know whether or not an atom of the substance has decayed, and consequently, cannot know whether the vial has been broken, the hydrocyanic acid released, and the cat killed. Since we cannot know, according to quantum law, the cat is both dead and alive, in what is called a superposition of states. It is only when we break open the box and learn the condition of the cat that the superposition is lost, and the cat becomes one or the other (dead or alive). This situation is sometimes called quantum indeterminacy or the observer's paradox: the observation or measurement itself affects an outcome, so that the outcome as such does not exist unless the measurement is made. (That is, there is no single outcome unless it is observed.)